[RadCast] Christlike: Calm (John 19:6-11)

Most spiritualities promise the participant the very thing we all want: peace, calm, balance, center. Jesus Christ is the only way to experience these realities without ignoring desire and the start truth of the situation around us. Jesus is about to be crucified. He doesn’t ignore it, He doesn’t downplay it. Rather, He acknowledges His Father God above *all* the noise.
Yes, powers will be at work against you — but the greatest power is above all, ruling all things, and unfolding a grand plan.
Disclaimer: this isn’t a magic spell to say over your day. It’s about submitting to the will of God in our lives, day by day.

About radamdavidson

When I'm not blogging, I'm hanging out with my family, pastoring a church, or listening to vinyl. I think and write about Jesus, music, communication, organizational leadership, family whatnot, and cultural artifacts from the 1980's -- mostly vintage boomboxes. You can read my blog at www.radamdavidson.com, watch [RadCast], a daily 3 minute video devotional, or find me on socials (@radamdavidson). I also help Pastors in their preaching and public speaking (www.CoachMyPreaching.com).
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